MVA Motorcycle vs School Bus - Dupont Blvd & Edward St
May 31, 2007
The Georgetown Fire Co., Inc. was dispatched along with BLS, SCEMS, and Trooper 2 for a MVA, motorcycle into a school bus. A BLS unit was quick to arrive on scene after dispatch, confirming (1) Pri. One Pt. and no injuries on the school bus. Medic 108 was the first ALS unit on scene and both medics were committed right away to the pt. from the motorcycle. EMS 18 arrived and took over pt. assesment of all 40 students on the school bus. Trooper 2's LZ was in the median, but due to the pt's condition he was later transport to PRMC by C-93, Medic 108, and the medic from Trooper 2 medic by ground. Station 77 units cleared the debree off the roadway, assisting with students on the bus, and securing the motorcycle. Scene was turned over to GPD and DSP FAIR Team.