
MVC with Entrapment - Seashore Hwy West of Piglet Path

June 10, 2006

Station 77, Ambulance 93, Medic 103, and Trooper 2 was dispatched for a vehicle accident with entrapment. Reported tractor trailor into a tree. Upon arrival of Command 77 with Chief Swain, found a heavy duty pick-up pulling a low boy trailor with a commercial HVAC unit that ran off the road and struck a tree. Command 77 confirmed entrapment. 77-0 arrived with Deputy Chief Barrett and stabilized the vehicle. Ambulance 93 and Medic 103 arrived and started pt. care. Rescue 77 arrived with Past Chief Ricker, and his crew went to work with further stabilization and started extrication. 29 minutes after extrication was initiated, pt. was removed and taken to Trooper 2 where he was then taken to Christiana Care Hospital. Vehicle accident placed under control.