Assit Station 83 On A House Fire - Zoar Rd
November 02, 2005
Georgetown Fire Co. was dispatched at approx. 1400 hrs. to assist Station 83 with a house fire on Zoar Rd. Millsboro, Georgetown, & Indian River Fire Co.'s we all dispatched for the box area response, with inital report being a bedroom on fire on the sceond floor. Ambulance B-83 arrived on scene reporting smoke showing from the second floor window on the "D" side and all occupants were out. Eng. 77-4 with Chief Swain were the first to arrive putting a 1 3/4" line in service and advancing to the fire room. Tanker 77 was second to arrive and were assigned to supply 77-4, assist interior crews, and 1st Asst. Chief Rogers was assigned Division 2. 83-1 was the third piece to arrive and were assigned to set up PPV to the "C" side. The fire was contained to the room of origin, overhaul, and a thorough check with the thermal imaging camera showed no extension to the walls or attic area. Station 80 was reassigned to a cover up assignment. Chief Swain had Command, Lt. Morris had Operations, & 1st Asst. Chief Rogers had Division 2.