
Annual Banquet - Sussex Pines Country Club

February 05, 2005

On February 5th, 2005 the annual banquet was held for the Georgetown Fire Company. A grand time was had by all in attendance. Service awards were given for the following individuals: 55 Years ? Ed Pepper, Sr. 40 Years ? Charles Stevenson, Irvin Workman 35 Years ? Linden Mitchell, Jim Stevenson, Gale Walls 30 Years ? Ralph Eaton, Tom Rust 25 Years ? Bill Goins 20 Years ? Keith Bryan, Ray Heck, Hal Stintsman 15 Years ? Kenny Heck, Randy Humphreys, Eric Pepper, Mark Rogers 10 Years ? Robbie West 5 Years ? Stephen King, Dennis Swain The Fireman of the Year award was presented to Chip Stevenson & Lifetime Fireman of the year was presented to Bobby Rogers Jr. Two Special awards were presented to Past Chief Joey Pepper. One on behalf of the Georgetown Fire Company "For many years of Dedicated service, going above and beyond the call of duty, and setting the standard for others to follow" A second was presented by Sussex County Councilman Finley Jones, and State Representatives Joe Booth and George Carey which was a tribute from the House of Representatives "Recognizing an Outstanding member of the Georgetown Fire Department always going above and beyond the call of duty as a fireline officer, dispatcher, and civilian." Congratulations to all award winners.