
Assist Milton Fire Dept. On A Building Fire - The Cannery, Chestnut St.

February 07, 2005

At 1019 Hrs. we were dispatch for a tanker company assist Sta. 85 on a building fire at the above location. Tanker 77 responded with Past Chief Pepper. On arrival, we were advised by command to supply Eng. 75-2 and for our crew to assist with interior operations. Eng. 77-4 also responded but was put back in service once arriving on scene. Once interior crews from Milton, Georgetown, & Ellendale opened up the interior, Ladder 85 used its master stream for the burning insulation on top of the tin roof. Units operated on scene for about 50 mins. and were released by 85 Command. Asst. Chief J.R. Clark had Command and Interior Op's Officer was Fire Chief Lynn Rogers.