
Motor Vehicle Accident - Rt 20 & Rt 431

October 16, 2004

77 along with 93 were alerted for a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of 20 & 431 in the parking lot of Workman's Store. Past Chief Jim King responding with 77-Command was advised of a 2 vehicle accident with one vehicle into a structure. EOC also advised that there was one patient and no entrapment. 77-0 Assisted with patient care and Rescue-77 assisted with patient care, securing the vehicles and clearing the debris. Amb-93 requested medics to respond, along with a second ambulance for another patient to be transported. Both patients were transported to Nanticoke. Units Responding: 77-Command, 77-0, Rescue-77, Amb-93, Amb-83, Medic 103.