
Working House Fire - Kruger Road ITAO Piney Grove Manor

October 12, 2004

On October 12th, 2004, the Georgetown and Millsboro Fire Companies along with Ambulance 93 and the Sussex County Medics were dispatched to a report of a working house fire. First assistant chief Penuel Barrett (77-17), responded in his POV to the scene. Upon arrival, 77-17 reported heavy fire from side three of a single family dwelling. Engine 77-4 arrived with 2nd assistant chief Mark Rogers (77-18). His crew attacked the fire with the 13/4 cross lay and 77-18 was assigned to interior operations. In addition, Tanker 77's crew arrived and the crew pulled the second cross lay from Engine 4 for the backup. Crews from Station 83 assisted with ventilation and relief crews. 83-15 secured utilities and Station 93 set up rehab during the incident. Chief Joey Pepper responded from Dover in record time to take charge of the logistics involved with the cleanup. The ladies auxiliary would like to thank Deputy Chief Dennis Swain, who assisted them at Station 77 with refreshments. Units Responding: Engine 77-4, Tanker 77, Engine 77-1, Rescue 77, Engine 83-3, Tanker 83, Rescue 83, Engine 85 (Stand-by), Ambulance A & B from 93, and SCEMS.