North Georgetown Elementry visits Fire School - Delaware State Fire School
May 28, 2004
The Georgetown Fire Company hosted the third grade students of N. Georgetown Elementary School at the Delaware State Fire School Sussex Center on May 28th 2004.
About 230 students were exposed to classroom lessons of home fire escape and planning. Students then watched Georgetown Firefighters extinguish fires in the Structural Building. Asst. Chief Dennis Swain explained to students the activity of the Firefighters.
N. Georgetown Elem. visits Fire School
The Georgetown Fire Company hosted the third grade students of N. Georgetown Elementary School at the Delaware State Fire School Sussex Center on May 28th 2004.
About 230 students were exposed to classroom lessons of home fire escape and planning. Students then watched Georgetown Firefighters extinguish fires in the Structural Building. Asst. Chief Dennis Swain explained to students the activity of the Firefighters.
Story By: Mike Lowe