3 Concurrent Alarms keep 77 Busy - Sand Hill Rd. Route 319
June 29, 2004
On May 29th, 2004 at approximatly 2030 hours, the Georgetown Fire Company remained busy due to three concurrent emergencies. The first emergency, located on West Laurel St., was a brush fire that was handled by 77-0 under the command of Chief Joey Pepper. Shortly after the scene was brought under control, the company was dispatched to a head on MVA on Sussex 319 North East of Route 9. While fire police were en route, they advised of a fully involved vehicle fire on Sussex 319. That incident was unrelated to the accident that was a mile down the road. Rescue 77 under the command of Jimmy Hitchens (77-19), was directed to pass by the vehicle fire by 77-15 and proceed to the accident. 77-0 stopped at the vehicle fire an extinguished it while 77-19 took command of the accident 77 was dispatched to. Upon arrival of Rescue 77, 77-19 found that two vehicles had heavy damage from a head on collision and one was smoking. In additon, a passenger was trapped and 77-19 began directing extracation. The vehicle was stabalized and two doors were removed. In additon, the other vehicle that was smoking was extinguished and the power was disconnected on both vehicles. Chief, Joey Pepper took Command after returning from the vehicle fire while 77-19 became the extracation officer. Three patients were transported by Trooper two, Milton (85) ambulance, and American Legion Ambulance (93).