Gas Leak - Parker Rd & Bull Pine Rd
August 02, 2005
At 1232 Hrs. a call came in for a gas leak outside the residence. 2nd Asst. Chief Bobby Rogers III went on location confirming a active leak that was caused by construction equipment. Engine 77-4 responded with F/F Eric Pepper as the officer, they were instructed to pull 1 3/4" handline for protection and to start knocking down the run off. Tanker 77 responded with Past Chief Joey Pepper as the officer, they supplied 77-4 and started a manpower pool. Engines 77-1 & 77-3 were utilized in the water shuttle. A special call was made to Schagrin Gas which employees there are members of the fire company to help cap off the leak. 2nd Asst. Chief Bobby Rogers III had command, 1st Asst. Chief Mark Rogers had Operations, Ambulances A & B-93 were on scene for rehab, & Engines 75-2 & 85-5 stood by at Station 77.