
Trailer Fire - Silver Oak T.P.

January 06, 2005

On Jan. 6, 2005 at 1349 hrs the department was dispatched for a trailer fire. Asst. Chief Rogers in p.o.v. & Command 77 with Chief Pepper responded and were advised of an electrical fire in a trailer. Asst. Chief Rogers went on scene with nothing showing and established command. Eng. 77-4 responded with Scott Lawson as officer. Engine 77-4 & Chief Pepper arrived on scene were advised to make forcible entry and to check underneath the residence. Chief Pepper was assigned interior operations. Tanker 77 responded with Bobby Rogers III as officer and was assigned to assist Eng. 77-4's crew. Fire was contained to a smoldering area on the exterior of the trailer and the power was disconnected at the meter to the residence. Command put the situation under control, returning 77-1 and Tanker 77.