Motor Vehicle Accident with Extrication - Wilson Road
December 19, 2004
Station 77, along with Ambulance 93, Medic 103, and DSP Trooper 2 were alerted for a motor vehicle accident on Wilson Road. 77-Command with Chief Joey Pepper arrived on scene and advised that there were two subjects trapped in the vehicle. Command advised the first due unit, Amb-93 to pull past the scene and start patient care. 77-0 arrived and started stabilization. Rescue-77 was advised that all tools would be needed and placed 77-17 (Penuel Barret) in charge of extrication. Rescue-77's crew, aided with crew from 77-2, began extrication, removing both doors and the roof, as well as a dash displacement on both sides. Driver was extricated first and transported to Beebe Medical Center, and the Passenger was transported by DSP Trooper 2 to PRMC. Situation was brought under control and all units cleared the scene.