Unusual Rescue in Georgetown - Rt 213 W/O 113
July 06, 2004
On July 6th, 2004, at 1920 hours, the Georgetown Fire Company was dispatched to a reported Industrial/Machinery Rescue ITAO Mccolley's Chapel Rd. W/O 113. Command 77 responded under the command of 77-15 (Joey Pepper) and an updated report was given. Command learned that a subject was trapped on a grass cutter. Upon arrival of command, he found that a grass cutter was stuck on the slope of a ditch and was being held from overturning by a near-by tree. In addition, the subject was being held from falling off of the tractor by a neighbor and his foot was mangled in part of the tracker. Rescue 77 arrived shortly after under the command of Rodney Marvel. Him and his crew were assigned to supporting the victim, stabilizing the grass cutter, and freeing the patient?s foot. It was determined that a combination of the "jaws of life", a Reciprocating Saw, and an air chisel. Part of the cutting deck of the tractor was removed and the subject?s foot was released. Pt was lifted out of the ditch using a stokes basket and the scene was brought under control. The tractor was winched to the safety of level ground prior to the units returning.