
MVA with ejection - Sand Hill Rd. Route 319

May 26, 2004

On May 26th, at around 10 p.m., the Georgetown Fire Company responded to a reported MVA with ejection. Upon the arrival of Command 77, Chief Joey Pepper reported two poles and wires down. Also, command advised EOC and units responding of at least two patients and including a CPR in progress. Brush 77-0 with OIC Bob Ricker arrived with an EMT on board and was assigned to patient care. Due to the barrier of electrical lines separating Command from the vehicle and patients, command assigned Assistant Chief Penuel Barrett who was the OIC of Rescue 77 to manage the operations of patient care and securing the vehicle. EMT Layton advised Assistant Chief Barrett of two ejections, one DOA and one Priority one and made a request for a helicopter. With Trooper 2 down due to weather, priority one patient was transported by ground to BMC. A third ?Walking an wounded? patient was transported to BMC by Milton EMS. After command confirmed power was shut off and operations secured the vehicle the scene was brought under control. Rescue 77 remained on scene for lighting and other units returned. During the incident, a second alarm was dispatched as a house fire that related to the power surge from the accident. Engine 77-2 and 77-4 responded to that scene and reported that the scene was under control.