
MVA rollover with ejection - Sand Hill Rd. Route 319

May 17, 2004

On May 17th, 2004 the Georgetown Fire Company was dispatched to a motor vehicle accident. Dispatch advised Command 77 under the command of Deputy Chief, Dennis Swain that the vehicle was reported as overturned with a subject trapped. Upon arrival Command 77 confirmed the entrapment and assigned stabilization of the vehicle to the crew of 77-0. With Rescue 77 about a minute out under the command of Chief, Joey Pepper, Command 77 advised him that he would be the extrication officer and to prepare his crew to assist. Pt was partially lying out of the driver's side window, so command decided to take the "A" and "B" post after stabilization. In addition, the plan included a door pop after the top part of the door was removed. Pt was back boarded and transported to BMC by Trooper 2 and command placed scene under control.