
Assist Station 83 Trailer Fire - Fish Hook TP

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Georgetown Fire Co., Inc. was dispatched on mutual aide along with Station 80 to assist Station 83 on a trailer fire. 83 Comand with Capt. Bullock arrived on scene with fire showing from the roof area. Eng. 77-2 responded with a crew of 6, with 3rd Asst. Chief Locklear. Their assignment as the first engine was to put a line in service for interior attack, Asst. Chief Locklear had interior division. Tanker 77 was assigned to supply Eng. 77-2, to ladder the roof, and assist interior operations. Eng. 77-3's crew stage in the manpower staging area. Fire was knocked down quick and units returned after operating for about an hour. Scene was turned over to FM-10.

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